Movie Quote Monday: The Holiday
“I like corny. I’m looking for corny in my life.”
As the holidays are rapidly approaching, I can’t help but think about one of my favorite movies, The Holiday. Now this movie is great, no doubt about. For men or women, it is relatable and real and has adorable characters. I have always loved Iris, played by Kate Winslet, because I have always felt like I could relate to her. I secretly wait for the day where I have that beautiful cathartic moment that she has towards the end of the film.
However, that is not the moment I want to focus on. Once Iris has her moment of freedom she runs over to the Arthur’s and he hands her a corsage and says she doesn’t have to wear it if it was too corny. But she states,
“I like corny. I’m looking for corny in my life.”
This has been one of the mottos I have coveted in my heart for years. I’ve noticed that sometimes I feel very out of place among my peers because every one scoffs at romance. People roll their eyes at cheesy lines or heartfelt comments. If you show your emotions in any way you are weak. If you are sappy towards people you are over dramatic. Well what if being cheesy or corny is just really people being honest.
We are not used to saying good things about each other. People are more than willing to share all their negative comments with people, but we rarely ever say good things to people. When was the last time you complimented your friends? When was the last time you thanked someone you loved for being there for you on a hard day? When was the last time you just laughed with someone and told them you enjoyed being around them? If you honestly can’t remember the last time, you might need to check your attitude.
Why is it cheesy or wrong to tell people the truth? To tell them that you are grateful. I think it is because people have a hard time swallowing honesty. If someone tells you something true about yourself that’s positive, our self conscious tendencies kick in and we convince ourselves that they are lying. However, if someone tells us something rude and mean, we just right them off as a jerk and try to forget it. So if we are so willing to share negative comments and be rude to people, shouldn’t we also try to be positive. I think we all need corny in our lives.
We all need to take the time to maybe be a little sappy, but always keep things honest. I understand that some people take it to far, and some people lie. Some people can be clingy and over bearing. But overall, being a little corny or sharing a sweet sentiment with someone is in short supply. So just like Iris, I am looking for corny in my life. I think it adds a nice, sweet, and honest perspective to life. There are worse things then being a little cheesy.
Stay Excellent,