

Pitch Black

Darkness. Immense and all-consuming fear.

No mercy, no grace, nothing is near. 

Sitting in a corner all alone

Her heart turning to stone. 

Pitch black… heat coming from below

Something underneath was attempting to burn her soul

No walls. No way to escape. 

No one in sight, just shadows and shapes.

But the sounds in the little room were terrifying. 

Filled with blood-curdling screams, and the knocking.

The loud bang echoes through the night, 

The constant booming too strong to fight. 

Her tears are never ceasing, 

Her heart and body breaking. 

And the continuous knocking, on and on

She begins to believe in nothing for joy is life’s biggest con. 

The knocking grows more and more

Shaking the ground and her heart to the core. 

The ground beneath her is heating up.

Was she beyond saving? Was she becoming corrupt? 

The fire begins to burn her feet. 

She starts to run hoping there will be someone to meet. 

She slams into a door 

She hits it so hard she falls to the floor. 

The knocking is louder than ever

But a small light shines through a tiny sliver 

She had never seen anything more beautiful 

But the knocking increased, it was more powerful.

The fire behind her burned every inch of her being

Screaming she grabbed the door knob and began pulling.

Finally the door swung open and light flooded in. 

The darkness ran and she knew she had reached the end.

Suddenly she was helped up and embraced into the light

Consumed by His freedom, love, and might. 

And with that she experienced surrender.

She gave everything she was to the One that saved her.

Megan O'Neal2 Comments