
Musings and Contemplations

Change it

“If your life doesn't look how you want it to, stop… reset… And change it.”

We like to think that our lives are fixed. Like everything is out of our control. Well that is sort of true. There is a lot in our lives that we can’t change. There are a number of insurmountable events that occur in life that we have no effect on. However, there is one thing you have control over, and it’s yourself. 

You have the power to reset. You have the power to let people in your life go if they are  hurting you. Or let people in who just want to love you. You have the power to push yourself past your fears or succumb to them. You have the power of perspective. How you choose to see things is completely up to you. 

Now I know these are all just words that are extremely easy to say. I’m guilty of sitting around and just letting life happen to me. But I grow very tired of my life... so I’m becoming aware that it is time to reset. And ya know, you’re never to old to change your life. You’re never to far off the track to hop back on. You get one life so keep trying until it looks how you believe it should. 

Keep moving and stay excellent,  
