Adversity is defined as difficulties or misfortunes. By that definition adversity seems like a bad thing, something we should avoid. I mean who wouldn’t want to avoid difficulties or misfortunes? Fact is, misfortunes are going to happen to you, no matter how far or fast you run from it. The hardest thing for people to grasp these days, is that we need it!
Honestly, you can’t outrun your issues, so the only thing left to do is face them. The funny thing is that no matter how much we hate the trials we go through, they shape us. They form us into a new person. Whether we grow for better or worse, the truth remains that, we grow. If you really think about, when was the last time you read a book where the main character experienced no issues? When was the last time you saw a movie where the hero experienced no trial? It just doesn’t happen. It’s boring and uninteresting. The characters don’t learn anything and no good comes out of the story. The reason stories always contain a “problem” component is because stories mirror our own lives.
When I look at my life and some of the horrible things that have happened to me, I think the biggest encouragement to me was the fact that I overcame. I have overcome my moments of depression. I have overcome my times of doubt. I have overcome heartbreak. Even though these things will come again in my life, every time they return I have a little more strength to defeat it.
Working with kids, I see how hard it is for parents to institute adversity in their children’s lives. When you have a lot to give to your kids, you don’t want to tell them no. You hate to feel like you are depriving them of something easy. But, if you think long enough you will realize that the only reason you got where you are, was because you had to work hard and take it for yourself. I remember my dad always telling me that without adversity, we never really change. I’m beginning to wonder what kind of generation are we raising. I understand I do not have children so I can’t speak perfectly on the subject, however I do work with them everyday, and I have for most of my life. All I want to do is prepare them for the trials that are going to come their way.
Some people look at me and think that I take it all too seriously, considering I work with four year olds. They act like the kids cannot fully understand what I expect of them, but I do not think that is true. I try to make it simple enough for them to grasp the concept. They can learn to earn their way by good behavior or by working really hard to accomplish something. Because even at four years old, when my students finally accomplish something that they have been working weeks on, they look up at me with such proud eyes. One of my favorite things to hear is “Ms. Megan, I did it.” They are so excited to show me that they finished something that a week ago they were convinced they could not do. Whether its writing their name, cutting a straight line, or spelling some sight words, they keep learning. And of course, it would be easy for me to give them the answers. It would make my job a lot easier and I would save myself a lot of erasing, if I just helped them coast. However, at the end of the day, they gain nothing from that. Making it too easy on them actually does them a disservice.
Do not do yourself a disservice. Do not give up on yourself, no matter how hard things get. Find a way to fight and a way to overcome. Cling to the people around you who love you to help you fight. To help you win. Because this is your story and you are the main character. Your trials are going to shape you into a well developed, strong hero. It’s all apart of your journey…true growth, I think, rarely comes without adversity.
Stay Strong and Stay Excellent,